I am Biniyam...

Learning in bitesize blog

Virtual Drum Kit

A web application to play drum virtually. This web application was built to help me learn Javascript. I will say that, it was very very intersting project that allowed me to learn many things about javascript. To complete the project I used HTML | CSS | and Javascript.

Check out my github to learn more...

How I Create a Mailchimp Subscribe Form from Scratch

A single-page web site to help gather information such as names and emails. The Front end was done using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. The back end was built used Express, Body-parser, MailChimp API, Request, Node, and to launch it live Heroku was Used. 

Check out my github to learn more...

How I Create a Mailchimp Subscribe Form from Scratch

A single-page web site to help gather information such as names and emails. The Front end was done using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. The back end was built used Express, Body-parser, MailChimp API, Request, Node, and to launch it live Heroku was Used. 

Check out my github to learn more...

A Web Application to play Simon

A web application that allows a user to play Simon, a memory skill game. ​The application creates a series of tones and lights and requires a user to repeat the sequence. If the user succeeds, the series becomes progressively longer and more complex. Once the user fails, the game is over. Tech stack Used: HTML | CSS | Javascript

Check out the code on my github...

My Todo List Application

Web application to help plan and execute daily tasks. While creating the application I used EJS template and parse data between server and EJS files. HTML, CSS, EJS, Mongo DB, Express, Mongoose were used to complete the project.

Check out my github to learn more...

My Photography Portfolio Website

Photography portfolio website. I created this to help me introduce my work to a potential client. HTML, CSS, and Javascript were used to complete the project.

Check out my github to learn more...